"If there is one person that has the gift of making people feel happy and healthy in their skin, Debbie is that person. Her passion for creating a life full of laughter and wellness oozes out of her body, you can see it and feel it when you with her. Laughter Wellness with Debbie Rodrigo is highly recommended. Your heart and soul will love you for it.”
Daina Kahu - MCP Body Relationship Coach

I've attended several session of laughter wellness organised and facilitated by ms Deborah. It was an amazing heart warming experience each time. The instructions were simple, the activities were funny and laughable but most importantly such a great stress reliever. What a wonderful way to release emotional baggage!! I particularly like the interactions, and energy each session creates. And my gosh, it is a workout too. I find Deborah had a good way of engaging with all walks of people and her down to earth attitude, trigger of a laughter makes it that much easier to engage in laughter for wellness. I would highly recommend her programs for corporate clients. They really need to chill. Deborah is the best in the field as far as I know.
July Tang
Business Development,
Republic Poly

“…as the saying goes …. I know someone who can!
I have no hesitation in recommending a close friend of mine – Debbie Rodrigo. She’s the best I know in the industry when it comes to Laughter Yoga events (amongst other things)…”
Debbie is a knowledgeable and compelling speaker. She is friendly and approachable, and while Laughter Yoga is not about telling jokes, she is a natural and will make you want to laugh without having to fake it!
I was in a large audience once where Debbie demonstrated her facilitation skills marvelously. She captured the attendees’ attention and they were open to the Laughter Yoga concept and participated during the exercises with great enthusiasm.
I could see the audience really enjoying every minute of her session. Everyone felt comfortable ‘laughing for no reason’ and just having fun! It was the perfect way to energise a conference.
Heck! Unleash her on the kids, the elderly, the special needs, the corporates. They can only benefit.
Bill Lewis
International Learning & Development
Facilitator, Life's Locksmith, Bon Vivant

Debbie's laughter classes are always fun and very different each time. I always feel so much better after participating and know it has done me a lot of good.
Elisabeth Huxtable
Sound Healer Therapist
Debbie is fun and adaptive Laughter Yoga Instructor. Her sessions are detrimental to low moods and poor spirits. It's a cure for the disease of seriousness. If you're feeling low and want to stay that way you better steer clear of Debbie. However if you want to lift your spirits and feel playful and have barrels of laughter do take advantage of her sessions when they're available. I personally have alot of fun at her classes.
Name: Tariq Ismail
Position: Partner Legal firm

Laughter Yoga is such a uniquely therapeutic way to release all that stress and tension in your system. There’s also relaxing breath-work in between laughter exercises to help you integrate and process what’s happening within. Debbie also works with gratitude toward the end which fills you with so much positivity. You literally feel so much lighter once you’re done. Not to mention you’ve burned so many calories while you’re at it!
Debbie has a naturally warm disposition with an infectious laugh herself. She immediately puts you at ease and all her instructions are clear and easy to follow. You must try this unique form of stress relief for yourself! It helps you lose your self-consciousness and it’s a great reminder to not take yourself so seriously! 😊
Regional TV Host, Reiki Master, Certified
Yoga Teacher, Sound Healer & Founder
of OhanaJo Studio

By attending Debbie's laughter wellness sessions, I have stayed positive and have laughter tickling inside me, whenever I think about it. Ha,ha,ha,ho!ho!ho!
-Patsy Lee Eng Neo-
By attending Debbie's laughter wellness sessions, I have stayed positive and have laughter tickling inside me, whenever I think about it. Ha,ha,ha,ho!ho!ho!
-Patsy Lee Eng Neo-
As a fellow Laughter Wellness leader, I have great respect and admiration for Debbie; her sessions are always very professionally planned and conducted, with a good balance of structure and spontaneity. She has a lot of experience working with many different groups of people and is able to make everyone feel at ease even if it’s their first time. Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious and people very quickly get into the spirit of LW, allowing themselves to laugh and play with her.
I highly recommend Debbie’s sessions, whether just for fun, as part of supportive therapy, or as a corporate event. You can be sure everyone will come away feeling great and chuckling to themselves for days to come
Michelle Bliss
Founder of Sansara NGO

Debbie fits the role of Laughter Yoga leader perfectly. She's bubbly, effervescent, and simply filled with a joie de vivre that is absolutely infectious. Want to inject energy and enthusiasm at the workplace or at events? Get Debbie to fire up the room!

The Laughter Wellness workshop was the one I was most eager to attend in IWD 2019! There was so much fun and laughter and joy brought by Debbie and her team! Yeah, it’s was crazy to just smile, giggle,laugh out loud, Hee-Hee-Ha-Ha, evil laugh, and cooking laugh!!!
Ann Marie

I’m curious to know what is Laughter Yoga when notice it during the 9th Malaysian Conference of Healthy Ageing recently and join the class.
To my surprise, it’s really exciting which can relax our tense body and increases our happy hormones with so much of energy throughout the day.
I could say it’s simple yet effective that can be practise by all age group. Keep our body cells Happy is very important for self healing but must play all out. Never hold back instead let go of all the negativity.
It’s my 1st encounter and encouraging everyone to give a try to experience it!
Thank you Deborah!
With love,
Caryn Lee
Wellness industry selling
FIR Sauna in KL.

Debbie, it was really awesome to be part and parcel of your Yoga Laughter group.
Never had been to one and the experience was surely new to me.
Well we must remember to Laugh To Live Life. You taught us the basic to good living 👍
All the best to you
and to your ventures.
Vimala Devi Sinnadurai

My introduction to Laughter Yoga was a baptism of fire of sorts. I had attended the Prana World Breath of Life Celebration and, after having a tarot card reading that essentially told me that I need to stop worrying about what others think, I went back over to the group to see everyone in a circle dancing. I hate dancing in front of people (when I’m sober!), so there was no question that this was a case of divine intervention. With a bit of encouragement from Debbie, I joined the group, albeit reluctantly. I wasn’t quite able to fully let go, but I was moving which was something. Once we started the Laughter Yoga activities however, it was a lot easier for me to relax into it; I laugh at almost everything anyway, but what I hadn’t realised was how restrained my laughter usually is. Yes I will laugh, but I laugh internally, maybe with an explosion of air coming out of my nostrils, or a slight noise in the back of my throat. The Laughter Yoga session really allowed me to laugh loud and deep, and let go in a way that I didn’t think I needed to. What also struck me was the fact that I had been with the same people all day, but the most connected I felt with them was during that session. It was a powerful experience. And then, when we finished the session with more dancing, I didn’t feel quite as self-conscious. I go back home to London next week and I’ve already started looking up groups that I can join when I get back!
United Kingdom
English Teacher

was invited to by a friend to attend Breath of Life 2019 the evening before. I am glad I re-scheduled my appointments and accepted the invite. When we reached there, in only 15 minutes into us sitting and listening to the presenter, I noticed the dull headaches that I have been experiencing the last few weeks has disappeared and I feel a total lightness. The space for the event is just right for the theme of “Breath of Life”, you can feel the nature surrounding it – looking up is a dome with beautiful sun ray shining in, there were trees and natural air, towards the late afternoon, little droplets of rain. It is lovely to be in a high vibration environment. Had a wonderful experiencing Disco Yoga, Laughing Yoga (brought my ‘kid’ laughter out of me! Thanks Debbie! :) and interacting with all the beautiful and vibrant souls. There is so much fun and laughters!!
Many thanks to all who came
ogether to organise this
wonderful event, am privileged
to be part of the experience.
Good job all !!
Business Owner

Oh, my! This is my second laughing yoga experience with Debbie and it was just as much fun, sizzle and unbounded feel-good as my first one! And, the energy that grew in the whole group from start to finish was palpable. And no wonder. With a short and very relevant ‘prep’ talk, Debbie swung into the heart of this fun yoga. At the end of the session even the skeptics in our party were beaming from ear to ear! Haha!
I have to add, that what surprised me was how deeply the joy seemed to spring from.
It is something everyone deserves
to feel and what better
way to arrive at this destination
than to laugh your way there!
Shaymala Freemansons Club

Our laughter yoga session with Debbie was just what we needed! We enjoyed the session thoroughly and felt lighter, more relaxed and uplifted afterwards. Debbie has a wonderful way of making us feel very comfortable with ourselves and others in the group.
Would highly recommend laughter
yoga with Debbie to everyone!.
Neetasha Rauf

Sean Ching Cheang
Art and Body Therapist

Hi, I'm. Bruno and am from France. I work with autistic and down syndrome children to be more confident in the water. When I came back for holidays in October 2019, my friend suggested me to meet Debbie and to try her laughing yoga. I was not motivated at first but after a few exercices, I became more relax, my enthusiasm grew and the laughter become so sponateous and contagious. I appreciated and value the concept because initially it was difficult to laugh in front of everybody and I was worried what the others would think. When time passed, I forgot them and started focusing within and became free. It was a very good experience that I will practice against. It was a great effective way to take off the stress. Thank you so much Debbie. Merci
Bruno Bouchaert
Autistic Caregiver

I think underestimated Laughter Wellness, that was until I attended Debbie's class. Having a facilitator who is authentic, generous and knowledgable is vital; and Debbie is exactly the real-deal.
The breath and depth of techniques she taught and offered us all, was cathartic; thus enabling an opening for the expressions of pent up emotions. I saw many people go through various stages of release and relief.
I would highly recommend Debbie's programmes for all types of communities; corporate and social as it is one of the most ideal ways to alleviate stress, anxiety and uncover subtle emotions that needs to surface in order for healing to occur.
Adeline Hayden
Corporate Manager for
multiple businesses

Debbie's Laughter Wellness session was a fitting finale to the International Women's Day Celebration on 16 March 2019 in the Church of St Francis Xavier, Petaling Jaya with the theme: "Facing Adversity, Building Resilience". She had the entire room full of 150 women rocking with laughter. A medical doctor who was present as a participant said that "the session was good in bringing awareness of the health benefits of laughter." As the good doctor implied laughter is truly the best medicine. Debbie brings her personal joyfulness and powerful energy in facilitating the session. Her professionalism is also clearly present in the way she conducted herself from even before we engaged her, right through all the logistics, and till the end. It was a positive experience with Debbie all the way.
Regina Morris
NLP Master Practitioner

As a Health Coach, I understand laughter is great medicine! It can instantly shift your mood and can even help your body heal from sickness and disease. I've always wanted to try laughter yoga and was so excited about Debbie's workshop. In addition to laughter, she incorporated movement, which helps the brain create new neuropathways. Plus, her joyful, engaging personality helped me feel at ease. It was a wonderful experience!
Gina Van Luven
Bestselling Author,
Motivational Speaker
and Board Certified
Health Coach

Dear Debbie good morning 💜☺
I am very grateful for being invited to such a powerful and loving group. Best way to start my weekend ☺
It was a very intense and interesting session for me. I really felt I could let go and just be my truest version. It was such a safe space that helped me release a lot to a point I was as quite exhausted and at the same time feeling grounded and aligned 🙏💜
My mental is super strong and I was able to let go and just be there present, also something of a challenge for me, so thank all three of you for sharing so much with us and for the opportunity. Definitely will be back 💜
Roberta Rivellino

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude and admiration for the incredible experience you provided to my team and the participants on my recent program on happiness during the laughter yoga session. Your expertise and infectious energy created a truly remarkable and memorable event for all of us. When you first mentioned that we would be engaging in laughter exercises, I must admit that I was sceptical. However, your ability to not only encourage but also facilitate the process of fake laughter was truly extraordinary. Within a very short span of time, forced laughter turned into genuine laughter, and the entire room was filled with joy and contagious laughter that we simply could not stop. You were successful in creating an environment where everyone felt comfortable to let loose and enjoy the experience. Thank you for being an exceptional laughter yoga instructor. I will not hesitate to recommend you to anyone seeking a unique and transformative experience.
With Gratitude,
Dr Harith Kassim
CEO KAM Consults Sdn Bhd

Having attended a few of Debbie's Wellness sessions, I found them to be a wonderful experience. Not only does she inspire positive thinking but she also inspires positive mental health which has a great influence on our well being.
Ann Nonis

Having attended a few of Debbie's Wellness sessions, I found them to be a wonderful experience. Not only does she inspire positive thinking but she also inspires positive mental health which has a great influence on our well being.
-Ann Nonisk-
I have attended some laughter wellness sessions in India in the past and I must congratulate Debbie for doing such a fantastic job of carrying it forward in Kuala Lumpur . She has an immense persona and confidence to conduct successful laughter therapy sessions at huge public gatherings. She keeps the audiences in splits with her stage presence and infectious energy. Being coached under her expertise guidance as a laughter wellness leader and facilitator has helped me overcome stage shyness and laugh uninhibitedly Laughing it a unique stress buster and since the two of us have a natural ability to laugh unprovoked, we crack-up insanely looking teary eyed all the time. Debbie’s company is recommended for all who wish good health and stay carefree. LOL Debbie
From Rekha Guru -
Music Teacher/Writer/Video Editor

Recently I had a chance to attend 2 of the laughter therapy sessions by Ms Debbie Rodrigo held during 9th Malaysian Healthy Ageing conference.
I was impressed by Ms Debbie’s method of narrating the interactive sessions with the participants. It wat carried out gradually so that most of us could participate without hesitation.
The sessions were simple yet effective in bringing out our inner self out loud and made us feel lighter at the end of the sessions.
We had great fun and found ourself sweating at the same time. Need to mention that the sessions helped better socialisation and felt the cheerfulness towards the end.
Definitely the sessions served laughter, joy and wellness.
Last to say, after all the laughters we felt healthy and thankful to Ms Debbie for that.
Thank you!
Thillainathan Krishnan,
Occupational Therapist

I have always been a beliver of
"Laughter is the Best Medicine"
Every month I purchase the Reader's Digest" just because of the section Laughter is the best Medicine
I always try to be humorous with my patients
Taking part in your "Laughter Yoga" was the most useful benefit of attending the Healthy Living Conference
It so easy to do
As it breaks the ice, it just shy"s away the shyness
The atmosphere allows you to make new friends in a jiffy
Most of all it brings the child
out of you and makes you alive
and Happy
I will certainly advise my patients
go look for you
Keep up the good work
and stay "Laughing"
God Bless
Dr Balwant Singh
Kuala Lumpur

Debbie facilitated Laughter Yoga at the Healthy Ageing Conference. She lead the session with vigor, passion and clarity. Majority of the participants were Doctors, Nurses from the medical field. She created awareness and engaged well with the participants to learn to let go, to bring out their inner child to
become more creative. It was a
very powerful session where
the participants also learn to
release their emotional baggage
through laughter and connection.
I highly recommend her as she
managed to uplift the energy
and create a positive and
happier space.
Dr. Wong Teck Wee
MHas President

I got to know about the event through an Instagram ad and I decided to give it a shot. I've been practicing yoga and meditation for a few months now, so this event sounded suitable for me. I'm glad I went because I learnt many valuable things there.
Since I did not know anyone there, it felt really awkward that I had to go in front of random people and fake a laugh. It was difficult at first but slowly I became more comfortable inside the group of strangers. I also learnt the importance of eye contact in order to really engage with a person because often times we (people) do not make eye contact when having conversations which is quite sad.
The laughter therapy was a session where I could be myself and not worry about the others judging me. Normally people think too much and hence they lose out because they overthink. So I learnt to just be myself, also how to let go of my emotions through laughter. Honestly, laughter really is the best medicine.
After the session, I felt really
light and free and as if all my
problems in the world was gone
for that moment. Finally, I learnt
that we shouldn't be too hard
on ourselves and we should
laugh at ourselves more often.
Also, laughing burns calories
so why the long face?
Suuriaroshan a/l Selvarajan
Student in final year of Law School

It has been heart-warming to see Debbie’s development - since I certified her as an eager Laughter Leader - into a skilled Laughter Yoga Teacher who, despite her busy schedule, even manages to make time to serve those in the community with « special needs ». This is noteworthy, as it takes a great deal of warmth, patience and loving-kindness to do so.
Recently she invited me to a gathering facilitated by her for the Malaysian Association for the Blind, and during the hour-long session I was able to enjoy first-hand how well she expresses those qualities. Plus I could experience
how capable she is at motivating
others, giving them clear
instructions, and drawing the
best out of them.
I was touched and grateful to
be a part of such a beautiful
bonding experience... and I
can really endorse her facilitation
skills, as I have witnessed her
succeed, under the most demanding circumstances!
Chandanna Denzayll
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Therapist

Sundar Ramanathan
Pranic Healer & Instructor
Prana World

Sharondz Ng
LY Teacher

Mindy Choo
Therapist, sound healer

We were planning a bad taste party and decided to try something new and different. We asked Debbie to conduct a laughter session. A little bit nervous as you never now how people will react to a new challenge, we were very pleasantly surprised and all enjoyed a good laugh. Debbie is very engaging and professional making sure everybody participated at their own comfort level.
We can definitely
recommend Debbie
for a laughter session.
Bettina Olesen

I was introduced to Laughter Yoga by Deborah Rodrigo, a certified Teacher & Trainer in Laughter Yoga at a Healthy Ageing Conference where I was invited to speak as a dietitian. Deborah’s facilitation engages well with the participants through her energetic passion, beautiful inner child and her robust trigger of a laughter. She is making a wonderful difference indeed to uplift the collective consciousness.
Laughter Yoga can be customised and adapted to benefit various age groups or individuals. It can
be a fun activity,
help trigger the release
of endorphins, help
relieve stress, enhance
relaxation and improve
the general well-being for
better health. Try and discover
the far reaching benefits for yourself.................
Dato Tan Yoke Hwa
Clinical Dietitian

Laughter is good for your health . It relaxes you at all physical emotional mental and spiritual levels . Definitely at physical level it relaxes your muscles and relieves tension and stress . That's exactly what happened to me at the Wellness laughter yoga with Debbie . She was amazing funny and made me laugh from my soul . I still remember I couldn't stop laughing not only at the session but after that too . Every time I see myself in the mirror I keep laughing ... I found myself in a renewed spirit and greater sense of enthusiasm after the session.
Reiki Master/Teacher

Had a FABULOUS time at my first Aqua Laughter Yoga 💦🤣🙏session. 💖💃 I love to get sweaty doing fun physical activities a.k.a exercise 😋.. I'm the physical and sporty type 😎 (if you don't know that by now 🙄😁) but fyi I also love star and moon gazing, walking by the beach etc.. (I'm beautifully unique that way 😜🤣) and so I'm looking at this in that perspective. What's my take of it.. Well I had a blast!!! So kudos to the Laughter Yoga team, Debbie Rodrigo and George 😍👍 So what is Aqua Laughter Yoga to me? Well, what do you get when you combine Laughter, Exercise and Water? The perfect holistic and FUN exercise of course! Perfect for balancing and healing the body, mind and soul. A total holistic approach. That's what you get 🙏💖✨ Exercise can be a drag sometimes especially when you're not really into it.. Personally I do love a good sweat but it needs to be FUN. That's why I tend to go for the less conventional way to sweat it out by doing rock climbing, hiking, kick boxing etc. It's Fun and that's what I need. I tend to get bored easily and repetition is a turn off unless if it's weights 😜 And I don't do Yoga...yet. 😉Simply because like all feisty noobs, i get intimidated by all the flexing and the slow precise movement.. I am far from flexible and I fidget a lot 😅 But I do acknowledge the benefits of Yoga. So it is to my pleasant surprise that there's Laughter Yoga.. Awesome! So people like me that likes to have fun, fidget, jump around, laugh aloud fits comfortably 😁😎 Basically it's the type of Yoga that is for everyone.. Coz hey! who doesn't like laughing and playing in the water 😍😃 Honestly it really is the best of all 3. Laughter has and always will be the best medicine (it also burns a lot of calories 😉), Water.. relaxes, rejuvenate and cleanse. And exercise...well if you could call jumping around and splashing water... Exercise 🤣 but yeah your muscle will work without it knowing it, coz just by laughing and moving around in the water, it's working out in a painless and fun way. At the end of it, I feel light, at peace and I just finished a whole body workout without knowing it. So I'd say... Bring it on! 😎
Lily Yusoff

As a fellow Laughter Wellness leader, I have great respect and admiration for Debbie; her sessions are always very professionally planned and conducted, with a good balance of structure and spontaneity. She has a lot of experience working with many different groups of people and is able to make everyone feel at ease even if it’s their first time. Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious and people very quickly get into the spirit of LW, allowing themselves to laugh and play with her.
I highly recommend Debbie’s sessions, whether just for fun, as part of supportive therapy, or as a corporate event. You can be sure everyone will come away feeling great and chuckling to themselves for days to come
Michelle Bliss
Founder of Sansara NGO